Henri Chemin

2 oct. 20233 Min

Talismania: introduction to an ancestral Art

Talismania is one of the oldest and most universal esoteric practices, transmitted across ages and cultures. From prehistoric cave paintings and Egyptian pyramids to the sacred texts of Kabbalah and Hindu rituals, this form of sacred art has always held a central place in human metaphysics. In the exercise of talismania, the designer seeks to create a microcosm, a miniature representation of a macrocosm, to channel the egregoric forces of this larger system.

The Fundamental Laws of Talismania

The effectiveness of a talisman depends on the rigor with which certain fundamental laws are respected. Unlike a simple drawing made in a secular manner, a talisman is an object charged with magical power, capable of channeling specific energies. Several potential sources of power can be associated with a talisman: radionics, egregoric forces and magnetism.


Radionics, which studies the effect of waveforms on their environment, can offer interesting but often limited results. In addition, this discipline requires in-depth knowledge and extensive experience. Although useful, radionics is therefore not our main center of interest in the context of talismania.

The Egregor Forces

The egregore forces are much more powerful and relevant in this context. When a Christian wears a cross or a Buddhist an Om, these symbols draw their effectiveness from the egregore associated with the person and their spiritual tradition. However, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of coherence between the spiritual tradition of the wearer and that of the talisman. Without this link, the effectiveness of the talisman will be significantly reduced.


Magnetism, or as some prefer to call it, "magical forces", are our main subject of interest. These forces are governed by strict, intuitive, and common-sense laws, which we will explore.

Tracing Techniques and Methods

Before beginning tracing, it is crucial to prepare the sacred space where the creation will take place. The atmosphere must be purified, for example, using a candle and incense. Prior meditation on the purpose of the talisman and the tradition with which it will be associated is also recommended.

The Four Laws of Talismanic Tracing

  1. Creative Visualization: Before starting, close your eyes and visualize your talisman in detail for at least 5 minutes. This step is crucial to align your intention and energy with the object to be created.

  2. Ritual Breath: Trace your talisman only while exhaling. This ritual aims to transfer your personal energy, or "Qi", into the talisman.

  3. Shape Waves: Be careful when tracing shapes. The circles must be closed, the points of the triangles sharp and the lines straight to avoid any leakage of energy.

  4. Individual Power: During each trace, focus on a particular symbol or word to channel a specific energy.

Conclusion and Future Perspectives

Tracing a talisman is a sacred act, requiring extreme concentration and unwavering will. To date, we have established more than 50 fundamental laws of talismanic tracing, which we intend to publish in a future work. Beyond the creation of the talisman, additional rituals such as exorcisms on the materials used and consecrations may be necessary to maximize its effectiveness.

So, even with these four fundamental laws, there is still much to explore and experiment with to master this ancient and fascinating art. We wish you all the best in your adventures into the heart of talismania, this rich esoteric universe deeply rooted in the fabric of many spiritual traditions.

Also discover this interview with Henri Chemin: Amulets and talismans:
